Grounded roots. Open waters. It's the philosophy behind every beer we make, and it’s also our guide for the culture we cultivate here at Sloop. We’re committed to creating a safe, inclusive, and welcoming environment. We remain grounded in the idea that everyone deserves a workplace that makes them feel safe and heard and we welcome conversations that allow us to improve on that culture.


We believe that it is everyone’s responsibility to behave in a way that makes our employees, customers, and guests feel welcome. Harassing or discriminatory behavior is wrong and has no place here at Sloop. Our zero-tolerance policy for any such behavior applies to our employees as well as our customers and guests. We believe that creating a safe and inclusive environment starts with treating coworkers, vendors, customers, and everyone else we may encounter while working with respect and dignity. This can look like:

  • Using inclusive language.

  • Respecting people’s pronouns and preferred names.

  • Not using gendered, sexually explicit, or racially derogatory terms and phrases.

  • Pointing out non-inclusive language when you hear it and being gracious if you are asked to use more inclusive language.

  • Helping to cultivate a safe environment for coworkers and customers.

  • Keeping our spaces free from sexually explicit, racially derogatory, or otherwise offensive material.

  • Keeping spaces physically accessible where possible.

  • Pointing out and discouraging discriminatory or otherwise inappropriate behavior if you see it - whether you’re an employee

    or a guest.

  • Showing equal respect to all employees, contractors, clients and guests.

  • Not engaging in behaviors that could be considered “bullying,” not intimidating, or deliberately making others uncomfortable

    through actions or words.

  • Respecting others’ privacy with regard to their personal lives and choices.

  • Not making assumptions about others’ capabilities or roles based on their perceived gender, race, orientation, or appearance.

  • Being open to feedback and respecting requests to stop a behavior. If someone lets you know that you are behaving in a way that makes them feel uncomfortable, listen to their feedback and commit to doing better in the future.

Depending on the seriousness of the matter and the severity of the behavior, discipline may be imposed upon employees for engaging in conduct that we determine violates this code of conduct. These expectations apply in the workplace as well as at company-sponsored events, off-premise events, and any time you’re interacting with coworkers, vendors, or customers.


The following is a list of some of the behaviors that we do not tolerate at Sloop Brewing Co. This list is by no means exhaustive. We expect employees to abide by the policies that apply to them at all times. If you have any questions about what is expected of you, please feel free to contact us!

  • Violence or threats of violence.

  • Illegal or unethical activity.

  • Discriminatory or offensive language, including the use of gendered insults, racial slurs, unwelcome comments, etc. This includes verbal, written, and electronic communication.

  • Harassing behavior, including unwelcome verbal or written communications or physical contact, assault, etc.

  • Deliberate misgendering or misnaming (including deliberately using “dead names”).

  • Engaging in any behaviors that risk the health, safety and/or security of our employees, contractors, clients and guests.

Have questions or concerns? Give us a shout!